I’m the Lawyer On A Mission and this is my blog. I talk about personal finance, investing and money saving tips and tricks to help you achieve financial independence. Sometimes I talk about myself in the third person, and that’s because I like to sound important. But enough about me. This blog is about you.
What is this place?
Put simply, this website is an oasis, a panacea, a universal cure for the tired masses who want to escape the financial rat race. Am I promising too much? Probably. But if you’ve read this far, I must have said something that’s captured your curiosity. If you’re anything like me, you care about your money. And if you want to make your money work for you, I’ve got just the tonic.
This platform is a safe space to share tips, tricks and guidance on achieving financial freedom, with a like-minded community. I want to share what I’ve learnt, and I want to hear what you think. But first, a bit of context.
As I’m writing this post, in April 2022, the UK is facing a cost of living crisis. Soaring household costs, cuts in government spending and spiralling inflation dominate the headlines. With this extra pinch on people’s pockets, many are looking for ways to make their money stretch further. But what is clear is that many people have no idea where to start. Understandably, this can feel completely overwhelming.
This is where I step in. Quite frankly, the Lawyer On A Mission is tired of hearing the same old excuses from the suits on the television. I want my own say on things. I’m passionate about personal finance and I know a thing or two about saving money (if I do say so myself). So I’m putting on my trusty mask and sporting a fashionable (but non-expensive) cape to help guide you safely from the pits of fiscal uncertainty to the promised land of financial liberation *cue angelic sounds*.
So who are you, anyway?
Well, I’m the Lawyer On A Mission, of course. You can call me LOAM, for short. I’m a commercial lawyer based in London, in little old Blighty. The birthplace of David Bowie, the Queen and Mr Blobby. You’re in safe hands.
My goal is to help educate the young, the old and the in-between, by giving them the financial literacy that they should have been taught in schools. Because let’s be honest, did your English teacher ever deliver a lesson on how to get the most out of your pension or the magic of compound investing? I thought not.
Are you a professional?
I’m a professional lawyer, yes. Am I a professional financial advisor? Absolutely not. And as such, you shouldn’t consider anything I say to be financial advice. I make my living by reading dusty statute books and geeking out over the latest supreme court judgment. I’m no Warren Buffet.
I can however offer you something else, and it may ultimately prove to be far more valuable. I will explain the difficult concepts to you in a way that you will understand and remember. I will cut through the jargon you hear in the news, to give you the real story. I will tell you what the payday loan and credit card companies don’t want you to know, so that you can beat them at their own game. In short, I’ll help you ascend from the quagmire of ignorance to the lofty peaks of financial nirvana. It will be an adventure, and you’ve got a first class ticket. So what are you waiting for?
Okay, I’m in. But what’s in it for you?
To tell you the god’s honest truth, this whole experiment is a journey of learning and discovery for me too. I’m on my own path to financial independence and I want to share it with you, warts and all.
My goal is to create a community which puts people on the trajectory towards financial independence. I want to drown out the everyday nonsense surrounding personal finance and cast a light on what people should be focusing on. That’s the Mission (with a capital ‘M’). If we succeed, it’s a win-win for everyone. And if we don’t, we can at least have a laugh along the way.
So take off your shoes, hang up your coat and take a seat by the fire. Let the Lawyer On A Mission take you gently by the hand and guide you through the gauntlet of fiscal despair. He knows his way around. By reading this post, you’ve already taken your first step towards financial freedom. Now doesn’t that feel good?
If you’re new here, leave me a comment to say hi. I read every single comment and if you share something interesting, I might even include it in a future post.
You can follow me on Twitter @OfficialLOAM
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